Our First Face-To-Face Event:  Potluck at the Walters May 15

Our first face-to-face event since the beginning of Covid, it was wonderful to return to the Walters’ warm home and to vibrant fellowship.  We also introduced the new class mission statement, and discussed its application in small groups.

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Potluck pic 4 5-15-21
Potluck pic 1  5-15-21

Visit to the San Andreas Fault with David Hanson June 12

Our own geologist, David Hanson, took us to the edge of the abyss--well, at least we visited two spots, one, the Mormon Rocks, and the other, the upper end of Lone Pine Canyon Rd. below Wrightwood, where we learned about not only the great fault, but of the peoples of the area.  We were grateful that John Testerman was present to squeeze every possibility of meaning out of the word “fault,” as well.

David Hansen at the Fault
Class at Lone Pine Canyon
Dave Hanson at Mormon Rocks

We returned to our face-to-face fellowship and study on June 26, 2021,  at 9:30 to celebrate our return together with a brunch before the spiritual food, as our own Karen Darnell found new insights in the story of Balaam

As it turns out, Balaam’s story and our last study of David Bentley Hart’s “That All May Be Saved” share the great theme of God’s favor towards all.


Back to Class, Face to Face, with Karen Darnell and Balaam June 26

Back to class photo cropped

Back to class June 26 -  About a third of our class is on Zoom (by the fall we were at nearly 50/50)

Recent Events

Potluck at the Priests July 24

Nineteen classmates, family and friends accepted Paul and Frances’s invitation to come to their mountain home in Running Springs for a potluck on July 24. Attendees had a chance to visit, taste a variety of vegetarian dishes and fresh bread with sesame and other seeds made by our baker, Larry Wrightman.  They were also introduced to the Priest’s youngest daughter, Sue, who enjoyed the potluck and visitors, too.  Sue showed her photos, flame-painted jewelry and large flame-painting of various scenes or abstracts.  (Sue also has a background in coastal ecology, a subject we might want her to talk more with us about someday!)  For Katherine Copeland, the highlight of the day was holding Sue’s huge (28 lbs) Russian Blue cat who was truly basking in all the attention. Frances said, “Let’s do this again another time.”  She added, “We missed those who were unable to attend, and wished our zoom members could have participated as well.”

The temperature was a pleasant 75 degrees. This reporter lamented that neither he, or any one else took pictures of the event.

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Sabbath Seminars


Room 3208

Centennial Complex of Loma Linda University         Sabbath Morning 10:30-12:30