February 22 and March 1
Toward A Postmodern Ethic of Radical Freedom
Cornel West and Michel Foucault in Discursive Dialogue
A 2-Part Series
with Author Darrell J. Wesley
Dr. Wesley is the lead pastor of the
Redlands First United Methodist Church
February 22: Introduction and Part 1 (Chapters 1-4) Practical Conditions for the Possibility of a Postmodern Ethic of Radical Freedom
March 1: Part II: (Chapters 5-8) Discursive Dialogue and a Postmodern Ethic of Radical Freedom
Please purchase this book HERE ASAP if you’d like to get a headstart well ahead of the first week. $9.99 Kindle, $25 paperback You may find a real connection with the author’s own pilgimage!
Sabbath Seminars
Room 3208
Centennial Complex of Loma Linda University Sabbath Morning 10:30-12:30